Aug 31, 2013

RSSL Image Set No. 306

RSSL Image Set No. 306
Rockinscarflady Jen with two Hermès silk carrés as headscarf and silkscarfmask

Rockinscarflady: Jen. 
Scarves: Hermès silk scarves Brides de Gala, yellow/ white and red/ white, 90x90 cm. 
Style: one scarf tied classical style, single knot, second one tied as a silkscarf mask.
Images: 17, full resolution.
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17 images - delivery by e-mail


  1. Do ladies like Jen wear a scarf mask in public at all? Maybe for riding a moped or a motor bike, or to keep warm in winter? Their scarves would both look good and be very practical I should think.

  2. Giselle and A.Z. do wear scarf masks in public for sure, in winter when it's cold.
