Jan 5, 2014

RSSL Image Set No. 339

RSSL Image Set No. 339
Rockinscarflady Jen with Hermès silk carré Springs Sloane Street Style headscarf

Rockinscarflady: Jen. 
Scarf: Hermès silk scarf Springs, white/ red/ gold, 90x90 cm.
Style: headscarf tied Sloane Street Style, with and without shades.
Images: 14, full resolution.
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  1. Very nice scarf. But why not one as a scarf mask as well? They can look just as good as a headscarf.

  2. As if we wouldn't have enough choice for silkscarfmasks...!

  3. The wonderful thing about the Sloane Street Style silk headscarf is you can wear it around town any time and it is acceptable - even though it is almost like a mask (especially with sunglasses) or even a gag. In London, it was originally high fashion, worn by elegant women to look very stylish (and perhaps famous women wishing to be incognito) but it almost has a suggestion of bondage because it is so difficult to talk. A woman speaking while wearing her scarf Sloane Street Style, pulled tight up to her lips (making them pout a little) is so sexy!

  4. Thanks for that wonderful explanation what makes the Sloane Street Style so exceptional!
